Balancing Self-Discipline and Compassion

A Human Guide to Sustainable Motivation

Monica Grey
4 min readSep 7, 2023
Photo by Fab Lentz on Unsplash

“Vitality shows not only in the ability to persist but in the ability to start over.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Discipline Dilemma

For the longest time, I believed that discipline was the key to motivation. It’s the unwavering commitment to forging ahead, even when the initial excitement of a new goal starts to wane.

I believed discipline was meant to steer me, keeping me on course when I was tempted to veer off.

However, at times my dedication was pushing me too hard, leading to burnout and self-criticism when I inevitably fell short of my lofty standards.

I would abandon my goals for weeks on end (in some cases, months) because I was simply too stressed out to even think about them.

Compounding that was the feeling of guilt that would overcome me–the negative self talk where I would focus on what I was NOT accomplishing.

What good did it do me to push myself extra hard if it led to weeks (okay, months) of inaction afterwards?

On the other hand, surely it’s important to have discipline and to work towards your goals, right?


But we have to do it in an effective way. And that means recognizing the other important element of motivation….

The Compassion Connection

Self-compassion is the gentle, nurturing side of motivation.

It’s about understanding that I am human, and setbacks are an integral part of any journey. Just as importantly, it’s about recognizing that I need breaks, time to reset, and to find ways to nurture myself.

By practicing self-compassion, we can become more forgiving of ourselves and maintain motivation over the long term.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Here are some things I’ve learned in order to strike that crucial balance between discipline and self-compassion:

1. Setting realistic goals

I’ve discovered that setting overly ambitious goals only sets me up for disappointment.

This does not mean you can’t dream big. Rather, it means being realistic about what can be done and what it will require.

To do this, I break down my larger objectives into manageable, achievable steps. Along the way, I celebrate each small victory, no matter how modest it may seem. This approach helps me stay motivated and feel a sense of accomplishment.

2. Creating a routine

Discipline thrives within routines.

Establishing a schedule that includes dedicated time for my goals as well as time for self-care and relaxation has worked wonders for me.

Consistency keeps me focused and helps me stay on track, while avoiding burnout maintains my motivation to keep working towards my goals.

3. Embracing flexibility

Life can be unpredictable, and sometimes, my carefully planned routine falls apart.

Rather than chastising myself, I’ve learned to acknowledge that it’s okay to adjust my schedule occasionally.

When I feel overwhelmed, I now recognize the need to step back, recharge, and return to my goal with renewed energy and focus. This adaptability is, in itself, a form of discipline.

4. Positive self-talk

Discipline doesn’t mean being my own harshest critic.

Instead, I’ve replaced negative self-talk with words of encouragement.

Treating myself with kindness and understanding, as I would a friend facing a similar challenge, has had a profound impact on my motivation.

“Talk to yourself like someone you love.” — Brené Brown

5. Mindfulness

Mindfulness has become a powerful tool for me when dealing with overwhelm and anxiety.

It helps me become more aware of my thoughts and feelings without judgment.

When self-criticism tries to sneak in, I pause, take a deep breath, acknowledge my emotions, and let them pass without attaching negativity to them.

6. Learning from setbacks

Instead of dwelling on my mistakes, I now view them as valuable lessons.

Every setback contains insights and opportunities for growth.

Approaching setbacks with a compassionate mindset has allowed me to bounce back stronger and more motivated than ever, even when dealing with situations that would have emotionally crippled me in the past.

The Long and the Short of It

Balancing discipline and self-compassion has been a transformational journey for me. It’s about holding myself accountable while also treating myself with kindness and understanding.

I’ve come to realize that motivation is not a constant state; it ebbs and flows.

However, by embracing a healthy attitude, I’ve developed the resilience and grace to ride the waves of motivation with greater consistency and ease.

So, if you’re on a similar path, take a deep breath, believe in yourself, and keep moving forward — you’ve got this!



Monica Grey

Helping others craft their success story, one word at a time